Date Posted: 2014-11-20 22:33:38 Site Posted: - New Classified Ads in Real Estate
posted by Filprimehomes | House and Lot, Townhouses and Subdivisions For Sale | P1718000.00 | 0 post "House for Sale Model: Townhouse Reservation Fee: 20,000.00 Selling Price: 1,718,000.00 BANK COMPUTATION Total Contract Price: 1,855,440.00 Req. Downpayment: 12.50% DP in 15 mos: 14,128.67 Amort. (20 yrs): 13,579.69 Amort. (15 yrs): 15,515.11 Est. Turn Over: 9 months after downpayment... [ House for Sale ADELLE Lancaster New City Gen.Trias Cavite ]