Date Posted: 2012-07-05 10:48:40
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We live in a world where each passing day makes the threat of global warming more realistic than ever! All around us is talk of going green, reducing carbon footprint and stopping pollution. Human activities in the name of technological progress over the centuries have had the effect of damaging the ozone layer to such an irreparable extent, we simply have to sit up and take notice.
Green building is now the new watchword for construction around the world. In this article you will learn tips and ideas for green building that will help save the environment to some extent. Green building is also referred to as sustainable building or green construction.
In simple terms, every time we remodel an existing building we have huge piles of waste that need to be discarded. This waste is not biodegradable and the landfills around the world are already filled to overflowing. Tips and ideas for green building refer to the practice of building structures that are environmentally friendly and reduce waste by being resource efficient.
Cement for example is a natural product made from limestone that is extremely long lasting and an excellent natural material choice for builders.
In this article we discuss the basics of sustainable building and offer tips and ideas for green building.
Siting your house properly to maximize natural sunlight and shade for cooling is an environmentally friendly way of putting up a green building. By locating the property in a way that maximizes natural sunlight for heating and shade for cooling, you are in effect making use of sunlight for heat and light purposes. What this means is you do not have to use your electrical heating and cooling appliances so much to heat or cool the house. A good part of the job gets done through harnessing natural sunlight and shade.
When erecting your green building you need to make minimal impact on the area by not cutting down trees simply to clear the lot. Build in a way that allows as much of the natural trees and bushes to remain standing on the lot. Trees are good because they provide shade.
Locating your property within walking distance of the shops will mean less driving; this in turn means less petrol consumption and less toxic emissions.
Energy efficient designs can help prevent HVAC losses. There are designs and materials that have been specifically designed to keep the property as airtight as possible. The less air from outside that is allowed to filter in, the easier it will be to control the indoor climate and the less work for your heating and cooling appliances. The use of LED lights reduces power consumption to a fraction of what incandescent lighting uses. Green building designs involve the use of fresh air ventilation systems that remove the stale indoor air and bring in fresh air while conserving energy.
Water has become an all too scare resource and we need to conserve it as much as possible through water efficient consumption methods. Green building involves the use of low flow fixtures that result in lower water consumption.
The above are only some of the tips and ideas for green building that maybe useful to your daily routine.
This article is provided by our partner, Pillar Magazine. 
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